Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reclaiming natal Saturn in Cancer

When I first began to study astrology, I was not exactly thrilled to discover that Saturn in my chart was in its detriment, in Cancer.

In fact, not only is Saturn - in my 11th house - in its detriment, but it forms the 'handle' of a bucket chart, through which all the other energies represented must find expression.

 At times, it's been a 'sore tooth' indeed.

Security-needing, anxious and overly-sensitive 11H Saturn in Cancer is the reminder of my early years in the shadow of a divorce and changes of residence; a symbol of the weakened position of my biological father in my life; a pointer to the deep unease and fear of social rejection due to 'not fitting in' at school or obeying the norms of career and life-path in the conservative country of my birth.

It is also a reminder of the weakened state of my birthplace - since Cyprus was invaded by Turkey in 1974, and is still, to this day, divided.

This particular Saturn also forms the 'leg' of a cardinal T-square, meaning in this case it is squared by Pluto in Libra and Venus in Aries, magnifying the levels of social unease, self-consciousness, anxiety and insecurity, and cranking up the need to control and protect myself whether in a group or one-to-one interactions.

Saturn is additionally retrograde, which, as the astrologer Lynn Hayes often points out, amplifies and internalizes the taskmaster voice of harsh self-criticism.


I am now at a point where I acknowledge fear and insecurity to be truly a waste of my energy, as is the perception that this Saturn is irredeemable.

Hence, I have been trying to reclaim the so-called 'greater malefic's' power in a positive way, as part of a broader personal project of truly embracing, accepting and, dare I say it, loving, who I am. Flaws and all.

Among the things I've discovered during the process, is that this Saturn takes its family responsibilities very seriously.

This Saturn wants to be a wise and dedicated father - a strong, devoted head of a family, able to provide the resources for his dependents to thrive. Never belittling them, but rather guiding, supporting, protecting, cherishing and serving them.

Further, this Saturn wants to lead; to be an architect of an enlightened community; a clan-builder operating beyond the dictates of mere blood or national ties.

If this Saturn takes itself very seriously, it is because it is preparing for a time in which service to society will require laying down sure foundations, based on an expanded familial model, and free of the over-sentimentality and guilt that familiar loyalties can create.

Therefore, in the days to come, I want to take an unflinching look at myself, my core roots and identity, both the good and the bad, without repressing any associated feelings.

More than anything, I want to identify the defenses I assembled when I was little and slowly dismantle them. The current square to Capricorn Pluto can only be a boon to this process.

My next post will be all about the dark side of the Ninth. Stay tuned.


For those new to astrology, a good analysis of the meaning of Saturn in Cancer can be found in Jeff Jawer's excellent essay here.

The image above of Saturn Devouring One of His Sons by Goya was taken from this site.


Anonymous said...

I found your article just as I'm feeling the burden of a Saturn in Cancer, and what it symbolizes to me. I was struck by the similarities of our charts: I have Saturn retrograde in Cancer and the 11th, Sun in Pisces, Virgo rising, and moon (not in earthy cap.) in earthy Taurus.

Your intentions sound beautiful; I wonder, however, how you hope to accomplish them? It is easy enough to say that you want to identify early emotional/mental structures and disassemble them. It's another thing to actually discover how to do it.

My solution of the evening is trust, another lofty concept, but one without which the prison walls become oh so thick.

I love the Goya, which I had completely forgotten about. It really sums up the blood and guts of this placement.

Unknown said...

Hey thanks for this! It's a really interesting understanding of this placement. I have Saturn in Cancer on the 8th cusp & i was so hyper-sensitive it took me till i was about 28 to stop feeling like i was walking round with no skin on & being constantly flayed alive. It's also emphasized as my chart ruler & in a close square to Jupiter/Chiron [Low self confidence]
When i was 28 i decided it was time i dealt with the root cause of my trauma & went back to live with my parents for 6 months till i felt i'd had enough de-sensitization therapy :) It worked & i then went through a period of exponential career expansion.
Your comment about being an architect for a wider environment / clan is exactly what i feel like i'm here to be doing. Well done!