Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Astrology of 2012: The End of Days … or a Cosmic Call to Action?

Another salvo against the doomsdayers' version of 2012 - here's a great post from powerhouse astrologer Rick Levine.

Read and enjoy:

The Astrology of 2012: The End of Days … or a Cosmic Call to Action?


Baskingshark said...

Also, apparently it makes for a pretty crappy movie.

The Ninth Immortal said...

Haven't seen it yet (probably won't ever) as disaster things are not my cup of tea in the slightest.

I'm sure it's technically very accomplished. Just can't be bothered to see planet earth wiped out. I happen to love our planet, so... I'm probably not the target audience. :)

Thanks for dropping by.

Baskingshark said...

Saw a few clips online - the CGI looks as fake as a Lindsay Lohan claim of sobriety to me.

I'm skipping it.