Tuesday, March 18, 2008

(Pole) Shifting Perspective

Amazing what a little time makes to a person's outlook. I am happy to say, I have more or less moved beyond the 2012-pole-shift-mass-die-off terror. Those of my friends who weathered that crisis (due to my reading an apparently lucid esoteric site dedicated to surviving the event) may roll their eyes on reading this.

"I told you so," would not be remiss a response.

Which makes me wonder, why did I believe such predictions of catastrophe in the first place? My shrink tells me it's far easier to be swayed by the negative than the positive. Also, Mars had just opposed Pluto last fall when I stumbled on the contents of the site, and had entered my 11th house (hopes and dreams) heading towards not-so-mighty-mouse, chicken-hearted natal Saturn in Cancer.

A good combo for that classic "doomed" feeling; needless to say, the friendlies had a field day with that one.

Of course, there is still always the possibility that the 'ascension' of earth in 2011/12 may cause pole shift, in which case, most of us will perish. But I really can't be arsed to muster the appropriate terror. Besides which, doing so would make living in the present rather impossible.

The illustration was taken from here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


chicken hearts and mighty mice...

in a nice white wine sauce...

with asparagus...