Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Agony and the Ecstasy

So, following on from the earlier post, I thought I'd let those of you faithful readers who've been following the maudlin mimsy of this blog know that my 2012 terrors have subsided, somewhat.

Either I have successfully lured myself into a false sense of security, hoping pole shift and massive die-offs won't occur (despite the unavoidable earth changes we're already witnessing), or time and the work I've done with the shrink and by myself in combating negative thought patterns is helping.

Actually, for the benefit of other fainthearts out there, who may be overwhelmed by the thought of a cataclysm, I thought I might add some websites that address the topic of 2012 and the end of the Mayan long count that are more optimistic.

In general, there's a split between the agony and ecstasy folks regarding this date. So here, without further ado, are the 'ecstasy' leaning ones:





I'll let you know of any more good ones as time progresses.

Meanwhile, I don't know about you, but I have a lot of plans for my life - plans that involve a hell of a lot of other people, too. So there better bloody NOT be a pole shift in 2012, or any other time for that matter.

Besides which, I'm far too egotistical to face the fate worse than death of surviving such a scenario. I need people around to angst to.

The illustration was taken from here.

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