Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chiron matters, or why the painkillers don't work

And so it was that Ninth, on a tender spring night, sat musing on his natal Chiron in Aries.

The one mashed up against his birth Venus, also in Aries, the two of them trapped in the depths of the Eighth House. Opposite Libra Pluto in the Second.

Ninth reflected that the ache from his wound-that-did-not-heal had led to some surprising results, thus far.

Especially given the endless efforts since childhood to soothe it.

There had been a certain amount of wisdom gleaned from the study of various philosophies or cosmological systems, with which to address similar pains of others.

There had been a measure of cultivation of resilience and patience with regards woundings to identity, selfhood and intimacy.

There had been lessons learned from less-than-joyous encounters with significant others - an understanding of personal boundaries and an eventual acknowledgment of needful self-love, self-acceptance.

There had been a growing awareness that aggression and ego-driven competition would never be enough to dull the pain.

But mostly there had been the mounting realisation that this injury was not one whose scab would simply drop off when the time was right, leaving behind only the barest cicatrice.

No, it was a hurt that was there to stay, the better to prompt the native to learn to heal others; it was, in fact, never meant to be salved or relieved or made better.

And that simply had to suffice.

The image above was taken from this site.


The Ninth Immortal said...

Thanks for your creativity and for dropping by, libramoon. I love the artwork on your site, by the way.
Warm greetings to you.

Veronika said...