Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Scorpio and Capricorn, or tougher-than-tough love

Sorry to have been MIA for ages dear readers; when I haven't been doing the night proofreading shift at the local English language daily, I've been giving most of my attention to working on my screenplay, meditating and a whole lot of self-reflection.

Above all, during this period, I have been musing on what exactly it is in me which always seems to attract the 'tough love' teachers. And why they are so often Scorpios or Capricorns. Or have so many planets/personal points in both signs.

Sort of like the relentless drill-sergeant Louis Gossett Jr. plays in An Officer and a Gentleman.

Take my father for instance. He's a Capricorn Sun, with (according to his mother's hazy memory of his birth-time) Scorpio on the Ascendant. That would fit him very well. Because he is not only my self-appointed timekeeper (Capricorn) - "We're not young forever; if I were you, I would stop wasting time and..." but is also given to dragging me into the underworld (Scorpio) at steady intervals, or probing deep into my soul (whether I invite him to, or not - most often not).

Meanwhile, my mother has Pluto in Leo conjunct her Ascendant, so that makes her rather Scorpio-like in her intense probing, too.

My old English Literature and Drama teacher, who has been a very important mentor in many ways, is a Capricorn; my ex-girlfriend, despite being a Libra, has Pluto conjunct her Sun, as well as the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Uranus all in Scorpio.

Then there's my current astrology teacher who has a very strong Saturn and a Scorpio Moon.

The list goes on and on and on.

Boy have I learned a lot from all of them, and continue to do so. Can't say I've always enjoyed the experience, but on the soul level I believe I have attracted them to me for a purpose. And, frankly, none of this is surprising given my own Capricorn Moon and Venus-Pluto-Saturn T-square. Or my natal Uranus in Scorpio sextile my Ascendant

In the fires of these intimates' intensity and in the boundaries they've forced me to honour - either in them or in me - I've slowly been (and continue to be) tested and refined, no matter how unpleasant it can at times be, for my higher good.

Then again, my musings could just be prompted by Pluto in Capricorn inching towards a square to my natal Pluto in Libra - which, taking into account my natal T-Square of Pluto-Venus-Saturn, is going to add up to a doozy of a Grand Cross - while transiting Saturn is on a collision course with Natal Pluto in my Second House. To say nothing of the pesky ongoing Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter dance, too.

Tough love, baby. The universe is really giving it to me aplenty.

By the time I head into my Uranus opposition, I'm going to be harder than steel and wiser than serpents, that's fer sure.

The above image was taken from this site.


Anonymous said...

I'm surrounded by Scorpios lately too NInth. Three men, all of whom I have a deep rapport with, and are forcing me to grow in many ways. As a lighthearted Gemini I shouldn't be getting on with them so well, but I do. Us Gems are lot deeper & more thoughtful than we're given credit for. I have a long-term Pluto-Mars transit which has been bringing them to the forefront for the last year. Let us know how your T-square progresses!

The Ninth Immortal said...

Dear Elegia,

Thanks so much for dropping by.

Ys indeed, from my experience of Gemini, they're a lot deeper than cookbook astro wisdom would have us believe; after all, they represent, in one form, the questing (profound) purity of a child discovering the world.

I will try to be more regular with my posts - esp given the T-square-Grand-Cross development to come.

Meanwhile, judging from your beautiful Live Journal entries, the Pluto-Mars is really tapping some rich, incredibly creative darkness in you. Kudos for the photos and poetry. Beautiful.

Circle115 said...

Ran across this post on another astro page and was wowed by the title! Yes, indeed when Pluto and Saturn meet it's the toughest of tough love!

I am a Cap Rising and Sun with Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Pluto in 29 deg. Libra on my 0 deg. Scorp MC!

I go in between however, that toughness and a chaotic playfulness with a Sag Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the 11th (My Moon, Venus, and Mars Aquarius disposits there).

Wildly different energies in one chart!! :)

But yes, Cap plus Scorp is a very intense, karmic, learning energy!

Keep rockin' that Sag NN! :D

The Ninth Immortal said...

Dear angelineelise, forgive me for the unpardonable hiatus - thanks greatly for dropping by.

I sense you have a deep appreciation of the cosmic mayhem and focus that is your birthright - brava. It is hard to integrate all the (often wildly varied) parts of our selves, our energies, but it is a worthy goal for a lifetime.

And yes, the Sag NN, keeps me rockin' - despite the gloomy inclinations of my Cappie moon :)