Friday, April 25, 2008

Complaining = Disempowerment

Back again, dear readers. And I seem to have taken my sweet time about it. Strange, because I've had mad, hyperkinetic energy to burn of late.

I think I've been caught in the Virgo trap of not wanting to face up to a less-than-perfect body of postings due to the fact that my time and focus for anything non-short-film-related has been shrinking dramatically.

I've been painfully aware of how much could be commented on in this blog re. new memes on the Climate Change scene, my own continuing learning on the Astrology front, my progress in receiving the Munay-Ki rites (and consequent growing interest in all things shamanic)... so much that it has seemed way too much to post on. In other words, I've felt rather less-than-self-confident in terms of taking on the task than my Third House Scorpio Uranus might have had me be.

Still, if there's one thing I'm learning big-time from all the sessions with the shrink re. taking responsibility and choosing positive over negative thoughts, it's that if you choose to see yourself as overwhelmed, that's what you'll experience.

And following on from there... if you choose to complain - which I have done constantly about all the Difficult Stuff in my life in the past, and which I am trying to do less of today - then you voluntarily abrogate your power to fate. You disempower yourself. You stop being, as the shrink says, "the hero" in your life.

I'm working on being the hero more in my life. Like the shrink says, ultimate responsibility for everything that happens to me is mine and mine alone. But such responsibility need not be a byword for blame.

As you can see, changing mental patterns that have long been based on free-floating guilt, dependency, self-doubt and victimhood, are a lot of work to break.

But that sounds suspiciously like a complaint. So I'm going to finish this post right here.

The image above was taken from here.

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